Big-name star luxury house door lock exposure Wang Fei Li Lianjie Liu Dehua

The big-name stars not only have luxury and style, but even the door locks of luxury houses are full of luxury and honor. Faye Wong, Jet Li, Andy Lau, Tony Leung, Fan Bingbing... What do the star locks look like? Looking at the entertainment of the ten big-name stars in the entertainment industry, how does the door lock show luxury?

Li Jiaxin mansion door lock

This section is the interior door lock used by Michelle Reis Hong Kong's Mid-Levels Central HK$170 million super-luxury mansion.

Faye Wong Mansion Lock

This section is Faye Wong's earliest room door lock used in Villa Garrin Garden near Beijing's East Fourth Ring North Road. Faye Wong likes the winged real object. Just like Faye Wong’s personality, the “feather” is different.

Star home entrance decoration restaurant decoration interior decoration style decoration European style decoration wooden door furniture European style villa interior European style decoration luxury European style decoration European style decoration villa European style decoration European style decoration Park Gate Villa door Villa furniture classical furniture door luxury villa Villa map European style Villa Villa Garden

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