London, July 28 news: The London Metal Exchange (LME) inventory changes in the next five trading days are as follows: (in tons) Newer species inventory July 28 July 27 July 26 July 25 7 copper 27,550 +1,000 May 22 - 300 +25 +1,300 +7,050 -2,400 -2,400 1,100 533,200 aluminum tin 3,425 -2,100 +1,425 - 90--20--260-65 Pb + 25 60,150 --550--350--75 +1,025 - 150 zinc 583,250 --575--575 -1,900 -2,525 -3,350 7,038 + Ni + 6 + 36 + 48 96-132 + 340 alloy 46,300 flat flat flat flat flat NASAAC 116,460 + 780 + 420 -20 +3,680 * NASAAC special North America aluminum in London July 28 news: London metal Exchange (LME) inventories near five trading days following changes :( tonnes) species than the new stock July 28 July 27 July 26 July 25 day 22 July copper 27,550 +1,000 - 300 1,100 +25 +1,300 -2,400 -2,400 +1,425 +7,050 533,200 aluminum tin -2,100 3,425 - 90--20--260-65 Pb + 25 60,150 --550--350--75 + 1,025 - 150 zinc 583,250 --575--575 -1,900 -2,525 -3,350 7,038 + Ni + 6 + 36 + 48 96-132 + 340 alloy 46,300 flat flat flat flat flat NASAAC 116,460 + 780 + 420 -20 +3,680 *NASAAC is a North American specialty aluminum alloy