Automatic drawer lock

Application Number: 86201523 Application date: 1986.04.01
Name: Automatic drawer lock
Public (announcement) number: CN86201523 Public (announcement) day: 1987.09.16
Main classification E05B65/44 The original application number of the division:
Classification number: E05B65/44
Award day: Priority:
Application (patent) person: Zheng Hanjin
Address: No. 20, Lane 49, South Zhejiang Road, Shanghai
Inventor (design) person: Zheng Hanjin International application:
International publication: Enter country date:
Patent agency: Shanghai Instrument and Telecommunications Industry Bureau Patent Office Agent: Jin Chongqing
The utility model discloses a device capable of automatically opening and locking, which is suitable for locking protection of a furniture door or a drawer. In the drawer lock consisting of a lock bolt, a lock cylinder and a key, the lock core is changed into a set of tightly arranged, variable length insert pieces and a wedge block with a push rod for use. It is a small sheet-type key with a front end toothed code. When used, the operator simply inserts the key into the keyhole, and the lock is automatically opened; when the pusher is pressed by hand, it can be automatically locked; in normal times, the working state of the lock can be visually determined according to the position of the push rod.

16.8mm White Primer Door Skin

16.8mm Embossed Design JHK-M,High Quality 16.8mm Embossed Design JHK-M,16.8mm Embossed Design JHK-M Details, Zhejiang Jihengkang (JHK) Door Industry Co., Ltd.

JiHengKang (JHK) Door Industry Co.,LTD ,

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