After I got to work, I witnessed it at the duty station of the fuel delivery class at the Weigang Petroleum Station of the Chengdu Petrol Service Station of the Sinopec Pipeline Transportation Company.
"Little yellow, how do you wear slacks? Xiao Zhang, why didn't you wear protective shoes?
"It's too hot to wear work clothes." Xiao Huang, Xiao Zhang answered in unison.
The squad leader Liu Zhanjun aggravated the tone. “In order to be employed on a hot day, we must also regulate the wearing of labor protection supplies. This is a safety requirement and it is also self-protection! We must know that in production, there are many cases in which employees may be injured or even maimed by wearing labor insurance products because they are not in compliance with regulations. We must take it for granted! You must go back and try again. Remember that no one will come to work afterwards if they don't wear well-protected labor protection products!"
Five minutes later, the two employees who had been criticized by the squad leader Liu changed to work pants and work shoes and trot back to the duty room all the way. Then, Liu Zhanjun reminded the five on-site attendants: "No matter who, you must wear safety helmets, protective gloves and masks to get out of the duty room to operate equipment, carry out production and maintenance, inspect key critical parts, and perform oil tests. ."
This story tells us that when the weather is hot again, we must also remember that we must wear well-protected personal protective equipment. Life safety is the number one priority.
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